Monday, February 1, 2010

T-Ball Tales.

Picture This:

10 6 year old boys, on the baseball field with black shirts and hats, 75 degrees out and no shade and it is the 3rd inning of a 4 inning game.  It doesn't sound too bad, but for 6 year olds, after 3 innings, the kids get a little squirmy.  They just came into the 'dugout' after being in the outfield (chasing butterflies, rolling in the grass, etc,).  The kids are hot, a little ready for the game to be done, and now they are all lined up on their buckets, waiting to go up to bat.  Then, it comes, the dreaded sound that every parent fears.  The sound of the "ice cream man".  It's like the sound of heaven to these kids....and they all simultaneously turn their heads to their respective parents, hopeful for a nod or a promise for an ice cream after the game.  Of course, there would be no ice cream in the middle of the baseball game, right?

There is always that one parent.  She did it....the unthinkable...brought her child a snowcone while waiting to go up to bat. 

When I tell you that every other child on that team melted down is an understatement.  It was like a T-ball team standoff.  Each of those boys was totally and completely consumed with the fact that this team-member was waiting to go up to bat with a big snow cone in his hand and the rest of the kids?  NOTHING.  Now, really.  What was that mom thinking?  What EXACTLY did she think was going to happen?  Everyone would just ignore the freakin snow cone?

Yes, I am thirty four and just said "freakin snowcone".   

That's it.  Just had to vent a little bit.  The End.

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