Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The 3rd Child...

So, how much more work is the 3rd child?  Turns out....a big leap from 2.  Perhaps I'm a little shell shocked at the fact that it has been 5 years since I've had a baby, maybe it is that I have actually aged these past few years and as my doctor reminded me, "you know you're not 25 anymore...", or maybe this extra 15+ extra pounds I'm carrying around is WEIGHING ME down.  I am constantly amazed at the lack of things that get done in the 15 hours a day that I am awake.   I have become better through the years at admitting that I can't do it all, that I need help, and that it's ok if everything isn't perfect.  It's ok, right?

I can't help hearing circus music in my head as I go about my daily activities at times.  It has become my theme song.  You know what I mean...you've heard it...I know you have.  (Please say yes or this will officially confirm that in fact, I am going crazy).  I have decided to embrace the circus and perfect my circus routine just as much as I can.  The juggling routine is coming along pretty good, and the balancing act is close to perfect, but the show clean up could use a little help.  I need to work on the costumes and makeup at times, but trust me, when it's showtime, this girl knows how to make herself look presentable in about 10 minutes flat.  This is a skill I have perfected over the nine years of being a mother (and some crazy curly hair that looks pretty good in a pony tail).

So, when life is getting you down and the "to do" list is getting too long, try to spend the time on what you can control...the rest will follow.  Maybe there will be a new song to accompany you when the time comes (maybe something really hip with a good rhythm).  In the meantime, head to Stomp with a girlfriend and have a glass of wine.  Somehow, that always seems to make everything better:)

Friday, June 3, 2011


I applaude you all who are fans of yoga.  If you are anything like those I watched today, you deserve a standing ovation even.  I hesitantly accepted an invitation from a dear friend who invited me to a yoga class this morning.  Frankly, had it been anyone else, I probably would have declined.

Where do I start?  I know.  This was the most expensive class I have ever taken.  I have been paying for this gym membership for a year and a half...and this is the first time I have gone.  Yes, Crunch's dream come true.  Don't judge.

Second...this is the most stretching I've done since dropping out of California Gold Gymnastics when I was about 9.

I'd like to think I am pretty coordinated.  I can hold my own most of the time...you know...fit in..not draw too much attention to myself.  Well, it turns out, I stand out like a sore thumb in yoga.  I can only equate watching me actually try yoga to fingernails on a chalkboard to the instructor...she couldn't morally live with herself to not come and try to help me, in some way.   In addition, it didn't help that the only spot left after dropping off my 9 month old and the gym daycare for the first time was under a BRIGHT spotlight.  Perfect.  Keri in the spotlight...doing Yoga.

I successfully finished the class....well, to me, finishing the class was a success.  I am not-so-anxiously awaiting tomorrow when I'll be so sore I can't move.  I'm not sure if yoga and I got off to a great start...the jury is out.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


l.  I had a dream last night that revealed to me how to spell genius.  I pride myself in my spelling skills..those skills failed me greatly the other day:)

This Week...And It's Only Tuesday.

1.  The baby is a baby genious.  Wait.  Is that how you spell genious?  It looks weird.  Apparantly, I am not a genious.
2.  I didn't enjoy mom and dad leaving Monday morning.
3.  I did enjoy watching my favorite guilty pleasure TV show (which I will NOT name here).
4.  The baby sat outside in his saucer and watched his big brother play for about 30 minutes...dream come true.
5.  My husband woke us all up this morning at 7:30 this morning...for an 8:00 am departure.  No bueno.
6.  As a result of #5:  a.)  The oldest child forgot his backpack   b.)  Mom forgot to put lunch in the oldest child's backpack  c.)  We filled out middle child's "Sam Bear" journal in the car, in the parking lot of the school, 10 minutes before the bell.
7.)  My email is not working.
8.)  As a result of #7.....well, the list is endless.
9.)  It's only Tuesday.  I'm calling it a day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

6 Down, 2 to Go.

Top 10 List of Reasons it's Time for My Husband to Come Home:

10.  The boys have turned on me and decided to boycot my girly hair products.
9.  It's not worth it to clear the piles of laundry off of my bed, so I have been sleeping creatively.
8.  I'm on day 3 of the same bottle of wine...it doesn't taste so good on day 3.
7.  The gal that did my audit today thought I was crazy...my first meaningful adult interaction in 3 days and I was chatting up a storm.  I may have bordered on stalker.
6.  I fell asleep watching 24.  This, is a travesty.
5.  I put on Fox news yesterday, just to make me feel like he was here.
4.  I watched the Bachelor Finale.  This too, is a travesty.  He would have definitely talked me off that ledge.
3.  The hot tub cover has  about 2 1/2 feet of rain water on it, and the kids were watering the plants with it today.
2.  I'm not sure how much longer I can hold off "knock down the daddy"...I mean, "mommy".
1.  I actually talked back to the TV tonight....really.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Every year around February, Grandma Flo and I start coordinating our schedules to get together for tax season.  It is always a busy time of year, and to be honest, it ends up as another item on my "to do" list to get checked off.  But, every year, after the 3 or so hours that I spend in Grandma Flo's back room pouring through all of her paperwork for the year, I leave with a deep sense of thankfulness.

I think there is an honesty that comes between people when they are looking through finances.  There are no secrets.  There is nothing that can be hidden.  This immediately puts us in a very straightforward state of mind.  We talk about her life....and we talk about her death.  We talk about her hopes for the future, and memories of hopes in her past.  But most importantly, I learn so much about this wonderful gift of a woman and her life.  There is something new to know each and every year.

I am always amazed as I search through all of the check registers and credit card receipts of my 90 year old grandmother.  Among my favorite charges are the ones in languages from all over the world.  As I look for tax write offs, I am entertained by stories of trips here and there, how she stays with friends that she knows from previous travels, sketches on cruise ships and sits at the captain's table, is worshipped in a small Italian villiage as she is introdued as "Grandmother".  She shows me sketches, like they are photographs, of places she loved and memories that she recalls.  These precious pieces of art are mingled in with receipts, credit card offers and phone bills.  We talk about purchases, which lead to more memories, of her husband, of her 4 kids....stories upon stories....that I would never have heard, had it not been for taxes.

So this year, I would like to say, that I am thankful for taxes.